According to Clause 3 in MNC’s Constitution, the objectives are as follows: –

  1. To recognize and uphold “MOMOGUN” as the generic identity for all the indigenous peoples of Sabah as defined under Clause 27 herein.
  2. To promote cohesiveness and cooperation amongst the Momogun.
  3. To foster, support, represent and protect the interests of the Association members.
  4. To liaise and cooperate with local authorities, relevant Government bodies and other associations, and to make representations on the needs and requirements of the Association members.
  5. To advocate and protect the rights and privileges of Momogun and the Association members as enshrined in the State and Federal Constitutions to participate positively in nation-building.
  6. To cooperate with any institution, society or association having objectives wholly or in part similar to those of the Association and to procure from and communicate with such institution, society or association where such information as may be likely to advance the objectives of the Association.
  7. To collate, obtain, publish and disseminate information relating to Momogun and all other matters connected therewith which may be of interest, benefit or service to the Association members, provided that such publication shall comply with the legal requirements if any for the time being enforced.
  8. To facilitate and organise social, cultural, sports and recreational events to enable the Association members to interact and participate.
  9. To promote and encourage an environmentally-conscious society among Momogun and the Association members for sustainable development.
  10. To undertake research and inform, educate and disseminate research findings/information or publicise in whatever medium whenever necessary and expedient to promote the image of Momogun and the Association both locally and internationally.
  11. To facilitate networking by providing an effective platform for discussion, sharing of experiences, soliciting constructive ideas and exchange of information, and developing relationships to promote value-added business linkages for Momogun and the Association members.
  12. To act as an avenue for the Association members to come forward to advocate their rights as Momogun and Association members.
  13. To consider, assist and deal with all matters affecting the interests of Momogun and the Association members in a fair and just manner.
  14. To promote and maintain inter-racial and inter-cultural harmony and goodwill in the community,
  15. To acquire property, dispose and invest in any venture as approved by the Supreme Council, and hold fund-raising activities to attain any one of its aims and objectives subject to the prior approval of the appropriate authority; and
  16. To do all such things deemed incidental or conducive for the advancement of any or all the above objects.

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